Sunday, August 12, 2007

Hot, Hotter, Hottest

Today we got the first day of 100 F. This was a welcoming feeling. August in Texas is supposed to be dry, hot and unbearable. We have had a humid summer so far, like Miami - but no ocean. Days like today I wish I was down at my spot at the Gulf of Mexico. A spot just beneath the old tollbooth and next to the bird paradise, the Inter coastal waterway. However after 25 years of enjoyment of the sandy beach, disturbed only by a few fisherman and their families we discovered last year that the Condominiums are moving in. Yep, time again for a hurricane I would think.
Hotter than Texas today is my temper thinking about the mess my oldest daughter have been put in by her no-good-for-nothing husband. What happened to the old idea that pregnant women were considered off limit? The other one, just returning from a fishing trip into the mountains of New Mexico, seemed to be in a cool and happy mood. They had been fishing for trout and got a few. Their dinner was cooked the old way at their campfire. The black night with the bright stars made their evening remarkably beautiful. Jerry's Ikea garlands of flower and leafs in ungodly colors that was lit up here on my back porch was my only comfort when I enjoyed the dip in the warm spa encompanied by Pierre, Pia and Pelle.

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