Friday, August 8, 2008

Excitement and Gateway

The Texas parents are eagerly shopping for school supply mixed in with early Halloween paraphernalia. The department stores have sold out all their summer clothing and are proudly displaying winter coats made of wool and sweaters with snowflakes on the front. Outside the temperature is stuck around 100F. Welcome to the Texas way of doing things. Some think that we are backwards I think not. We are actually always looking forward with excitement and we are at the same time bracing to tackle any hardship that my be lurking in the future. We are the last true pioneers one can truly say.
My excitement this month is that I am going to North Carolina to see my grandson Lilleman. An other reason to be excited is that I have switched employment and I am now working for the Gateway Mortgage Group. Just the name Gateway is a suitable one for the month of August. Something has to change that is all there is to it. Every day I look up the temperature in Northern Sweden just to get some cooling inspiration and today it was a whopping 53F. and it is supposed to be summer there right now. I guess there are more than one reason why I live in Texas.