Saturday, January 10, 2009

Only one new resulution for 2009

I have a few things that I plan on doing this year. Not to loose weight nor to start physical activities or any of those already projected but never realized. No this year I decided to put as my #1 resolution to be kinder to my fellow man. When I was young, a while ago I must say, I once read "Do not envy a persons glow of happiness since you don't know his/her secret sorrows" Who knows anyone of those that I meet in my daily task of originating mortgages may just fall into that group. My fellow Texans, implants or original ones are struggling with unemployment as the rest of the nation. Food prices are going up and their savings are dwindling fast. What amazes me is how they are filled with hope that everything will be better and so they keep on struggling. It is so true as it was stated by my assistant Liz, "What good does it do me to worry, if it had worked I would have started worrying many years ago" Maybe the Swedish bones in me can't help worrying about the future. Global warming, lack of fresh water, famine but most of all how the endangered species are disappearing in front of our eyes. Man seems to be like the cockroaches, multiplying more and more. Maybe we are sitting on the tree branch and eagerly chopping at the branch thinking that we are cutting down the tree and not realizing that we are the ones that will soon be falling instead. Who knows so therefore I think that if I start to be nicer and kinder to those around me the fall will not be so rough when it happens.