Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Mormor Camilla

I have just learned that I am to become a grandmother sometimes in April. After the first chock where I was not sure that it was not a joke I was filled with such a joy that my chest seemed to explode. An old Swedish song appeared in my mind and I found myself humming;
Vem Du and ar, var valkommen till varlden,... a song from the early 70ties when I was pregnant with the mother.


borj said...

You should know, Little One, that the sun broke through in Uppsala the day we received the first news of you. Many clouds lifted on the day we knew you were on the way.

Bosse and Marie

Mimi said...

Det är så UNDERBART!!! Vi är så lyckliga över denna nyhet.
Vår lille Noel i magen kommer att få en kusin i samma ålder! Det är så underbart och vi hoppas och ber för att båda våra små kommer att komma till jorden och födas problemfritt och bra.
LOVE Mimi,Saga,Mattias OCH lille Noel inne i magen