Friday, July 11, 2008

Home from the cool and into the sizzling heat of July

So Jerry and I made it back just in time for the celebration of 4th of July. Lilleman with parents Ty and Elizabeth brightened up our dusty and dull life on Northpointe Dr during a couple of days. Doom and gloom is preached and talked about everywhere. If it is not the gasoline prices it is the stock market. What happened to my optimistic and happy-go-lucky American friends? We live in a land of the abundance and we have the freedom of free enterprise so these trying times should really be the stick in the butt that we need to set this country straight again. When I watched the beautiful fire work from my front yard and saw how the sparkling, glittering cascades of many colors fell to the earth I was thinking what a great country I live in. Yes there are problems but they are not impossible to solve. I came to the conclusion that If I got to my office every day and do my part with a happy and positive outlook on life would be a good beginning. My figtree is covered with the most delicious figs that I can enjoy every morning with my youghurt and my garden is giving me all the comfort that one can ask for. So grab on my dear fellows and let us get going again.

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